#beacooldad + CoolxFriday with Russel Gonzalez
By Elizabeth Lepro
“I was very much involved in my daughter’s life. I was there with her every day, making beats, changing diapers.”
By Elizabeth Lepro
“I was very much involved in my daughter’s life. I was there with her every day, making beats, changing diapers.”
By Elizabeth Lepro
By Elizabeth Lepro
By Elizabeth Lepro
By Elizabeth Lepro
“I was a day-one guy back when people were listening to Morris Day & The Time and Prince and running around with Jheri curls. We were the first ones doing it down here.”
Written by Elizabeth Lepro
By Elizabeth Lepro
“Not only does sports teach you how to play, it teaches you how to be disciplined, how to be a good teammate, how to control your emotions, how to work hard when no one’s around — a lot of those things in life you’re going to need.”
Written by Elizabeth Lepro
By Arvy Lim
Dreams -- we have them, all of us do.
There are many reasons for those dreams and many seasons that we have them. Some last for a little while, some last for a long time, but the reason we have them is potential. We are all born with potential for greatness, and that greatness is in all of us...
Written by Sandy Dover
By Arvy Lim
Every kid in America yearns for that time to come, when the sun is out, the days are hot, and the nights are warm under the streetlight games of hide-and-seek and tag. A time when school days and the school daze dissipate and the warm winds of sunlit opportunity kiss the foreheads of every kid who awakes a new day...
Written by Sandy Dover